Converting Online Shoppers to Online Buyers for Avis and Budget
With the right set of smart and helpful site improvements, FROM is helping Avis Budget Group realize millions in incremental revenue.
Although Avis Budget Group is one of the world's largest car rental companies, it isn't really in the car rental business.
These days, ABG is, more than anything else, a digital business. The Budget and Avis websites drive an ever larger proportion of their revenue – and even a tiny leakage in converting online shoppers to buyers can result in millions of lost dollars. Which is exactly what was happening.
ABG asked FROM to find the problem.
Through a structured approach that leveraged User Research, Error Reviews, Analytics Reviews, and Multi-Variate testing, we found eight categories of issues that were tripping customers up.
Using our knowledge of design best practices, combined with online multi-variate testing and in-person research, we designed a number of small, but extraordinarily effective enhancements to their sites ranging clearer error messaging to a new style of product presentation – improvements that are helping ABG capture tens of millions of dollars in incremental revenue. Every year.