Usability Testing

Every time a person has a great experience with a website, an app, a gadget, or a service, it’s because a design team made excellent decisions about both design and implementation—decisions based on data about how people use designs.

FROM relies heavily on usability testing to create this data which will ensure we are creating a product is understood and enjoyed. FROM uses two types of usability testing. The first is an in-depth, usually hour long interview with a user as an experienced tester watches him or her interact with a project or project mockup. This testing requires careful planning beforehand to target the best users and create all necessary assets. Afterwards, the findings are systematically logged and analyzed. We have experienced personnel on staff who have been specializing in user testing for over 15 years. 

The second is online testing where many different users test for a short time and offer feedback in response to outlined questions. This type of testing can result in fast answers to specific questions. 

Contact us to learn more about what we can do for your company.